One of the most established tattoo studios in Greater Kailash, Tempt ink tattoo studio gives you marvelous tattoos past your creative ability.
Our Works
Creating Great Tattoo with Skilled Hand


Temptink is a tattoo parlor that caters to the needs of the greater Kailash neighborhood.


Temptink Tattoo studio
We are a professional team of tattoists
One of the most established tattoo studios in Greater Kailash, Tempt ink tattoo studio gives you marvelous tattoos past your creative ability.
As claimed by Karan Singh a self-trained craftsman, Tempt ink tattoo studio has been running effectively for as long as 7 years. With in excess of 7 yrs of involvement in the inking business, Karan Singh has seen the tattoo business develop before him.
Tempt ink Tattoo studio furnishes its customers with to a great degree novel designs and crafts that are executed with lawlessness.
At Tempt ink tattoo studio you’ll feel invited and agreeable and leave with a splendid bit of craftsmanship.
Our Services
Choosing the best category for your tattoo has never been this easy
Most of the time, when clients plan on getting inked, they have a fair idea of what they really want on their body. However, there have been instances where a client decides what they want only to realise how many other options they have at their disposal.

Tattoo coverup
Great artists and tattoo masters are available to us! All of them have multiple years of experience.

Time has changed
What are you looking for?
Yes, We take all advised safety procedures. Examine the safety checklist.
With tattoos, you typically get what you paid for. Yes, there are many tattoo artists that will tattoo you for a low price, and you'll be sobbing to a legitimate artist to have it covered over. Search for quality and be prepared to pay for it. NEVER try to negotiate the cost of a tattoo. It is unappreciative of the artist. Avoid if you can't afford to pay for quality. This is not a flea market. You will wear it as a work of art your entire life.
Pain is, in fact, subjective. Although it hurts, everyone has a different pain threshold. Simply inadequate Some people have compared it to a "hot scratching feeling." But if it hurt so bad, nobody would keep getting tattoos, would they? The majority of us don't like pain, yet the pride that comes with wearing a tattoo far outweighs the occasional pin-stick.
Book Now
We Are Professional Tattoo Masters
Open Hours
Monday – Sunday : 11.30am – 09.30pm